
Showing posts from May, 2021

Setting up Pixel Desktop on the LCL Pi Boy CM4 - Controlling mouse with Joystick

Step 1.)  Turn on your LCL PI boy CM4 and hold down select to enable wifi and the USB port. Make sure you are connected to Wifi by navigating to RETROPIE -> 07. IP ADDRESS REPORT. Step 2.) On your Retropie cartridge go to menu RETROPIE -> 08.RETROPIE SETTINGS -> Configuration / tools -> rasbiantools -> Install Pixel desktop environment. Step 3.) Install qjoypad. You can do this with either SSH or by pressing F4 in emulation station with your keyboard connected to the Pi boy. When you are at the command prompt type: sudo apt install qjoypad Step 4.) After you have qjoypad installed navigate to your "ports" section in emulation station, and run DESKTOP. When your desktop loads, use a USB mouse to navigate to the Games -> QJoyPad application menu. Run the application once and close it.  Step 5.) Now that you have run qjoypad once, you can go ahead and exit the desktop environment. Step 6.) Go back to a terminal with either SSH, or by pressing F4 in emulation st

LCL Pi boy Wifi Help - How to use built in Wifi

The first thing you should do is open your pi-boy cartridges with a screw driver and see which one has the wifi module. Usually its the game cartridge that has "The Legend of Retro" on it (the link to the past cartridge). Once you have identified which cartridge has the wifi module, make sure your LCL pi boy is turned off. In order to enable the wifi module (and USB connectivity for USB devices) hold down the select button for 10 seconds while powering on your device. This will allow the Wifi module to be enabled. Here is a short video describing the process: If you have any questions leave them in the comments, and I will help you.

LCL Pi Boy CM4 Drivers

Looking for the drivers for your LCL Pi? Want to make a fresh retropie image? Here are the files you need. config.txt - Put in /boot/config.txt on your newly flashed retropie image (The raspberry pi 4 image.) mz61581.dtbo - Put in /overlays/mz61581.dtbo (This is the display driver used for the display.) Download the zip file with the files here . If you have any questions ask them in the comments, and I will try to help you out.