Setting up Pixel Desktop on the LCL Pi Boy CM4 - Controlling mouse with Joystick

Step 1.)  Turn on your LCL PI boy CM4 and hold down select to enable wifi and the USB port. Make sure you are connected to Wifi by navigating to RETROPIE -> 07. IP ADDRESS REPORT.

Step 2.) On your Retropie cartridge go to menu RETROPIE -> 08.RETROPIE SETTINGS -> Configuration / tools -> rasbiantools -> Install Pixel desktop environment.

Step 3.) Install qjoypad. You can do this with either SSH or by pressing F4 in emulation station with your keyboard connected to the Pi boy. When you are at the command prompt type:

sudo apt install qjoypad

Step 4.) After you have qjoypad installed navigate to your "ports" section in emulation station, and run DESKTOP. When your desktop loads, use a USB mouse to navigate to the Games -> QJoyPad application menu. Run the application once and close it. 

Step 5.) Now that you have run qjoypad once, you can go ahead and exit the desktop environment.

Step 6.) Go back to a terminal with either SSH, or by pressing F4 in emulation station. Once at a terminal type:

sudo nano ~/.qjoypad3/piboy.lyt

Once nano opens paste or type the following:

Joystick 1 {

Axis 1: gradient, dZone 6922, maxSpeed 5, mouse+h

Axis 2: gradient, dZone 6922, maxSpeed 5, mouse+v

Button 1: mouse 1

Button 2: mouse 3

Button 9: key 9

Button 10: key 36

Button 12: key 116

Button 13: key 111

Button 14: key 113

Button 15: key 114


After you have typed all that press CTRL+X, press y, then press enter. This will save the file.

Step 7.) Go back to the DESKTOP entry in RETROPIE menu in emulation station. Make sure you have a mouse connected via USB. Once desktop loads open up QJoyPad one more time. This time pick the layout from the drop down "piboy.lyt". Close QJoyPad, and you should notice that you can now control the mouse with the joystick. Don't get too excited we have one more step. We need to start QJoyPad every time pixel desktop is started.

Step 8.) Go back to the terminal and type:

sudo mkdir /home/pi/.config/autostart

Then type:

sudo nano /home/pi/.config/autostart/qjoypad.desktop

And paste or type the following:

[Desktop Entry]


Comment=Control mouse with joystick.






After you have typed all that press CTRL+X, press y, then press enter. This will save the file.

Now the next time you run the DESKTOP from the ports menu, qjoypad should start automatically and you can control the mouse using your joystick! If you have any issues with this process, leave a comment and I will help you out. 




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